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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Big Brother Is Watching YOU!

Well, George Orwell's "1984" is here and it is worse than he thought. As if it wasn't bad enough that Wal-Mart is announcing to all customers that they should immediately report any "suspicious behaviors" of fellow shoppers (like shoplifting, gun-toting, nose-picking, and having less than model-perfect looks), the Obamination crew has crafted a speech that our President has proudly parroted to the masses in Tucson, Arizona, after the apparently mind-controlled shooting of innocent people at a political meeting (oh, and were you aware that police were called three times to remove the shooter, who was threatening to kill everyone...and they did nothing?).

It has now been suggested that anyone who says anything against the government should be reported as a terrorist. Hello? Is America out there? Are the masses really that stupid? People, please tell me you aren't that brainwashed that you're actually buying this crap (literally). There are literally thousands of laws being crafted every year that will allow police and military enforcers to not only enter your private home and confiscate everything you have but also to imprison every person in the country, without just cause or due process, for an undetermined amount of time. Hello?


According to the Obamination, those who speak out in defense of the Constitution of these United States of America are "terrorists" and need to be jailed or killed. Hello? Don't think it will only happen to those who are brave enough to speak out against such tyranny...once they dispose of those who are awake, they will come after the rest of you. Those behind all of this silent coup, who have taken over America in the name of corporate profits, have been sneakily engineering the crash of every economy in the world, to bring about a one-world, corporate government...where "he who has the gold rules." These are the actual terrorists, not the ones who stand for Freedom and Right Relationships and the Constitution of the United States of America.

Even the Tea Party candidates who have been elected into the various positions of leadership are finding out that they can't get anything done unless they play the political game. That game is all about favors and relinquishing of morals and promises. Freedom continues to be eroded away by such practices; this path leads to revolution (which the stars are apparently lining up for in the summer of 2011). But do we really need another bloody battle against the bankers again? How many more people have to die to bring Freedom back?

Instead of thinking of killing, there is another solution: be prepared and stand within your own Essence of Spirit. Refuse to play the game the way the elite have set it up. Give up your addiction to "things" and money...walk away from debt instruments such as fraudulent mortgages and indentured servitude. Just refuse to cooperate with such traps. Sure, that means giving up creature comforts and status but are those things more important to you than your freedom...and your immortal Soul? My God, people, what is it going to take to wake everyone up?

Be prepared now for what "they" have planned for us: famine and illness leading to death. The chem-trails and processed food additives have set the stage for the 3-step kill shot; the forced vaccination they have planned for the world in 2011 is step two and then the final shot (electronic) is meant to activate the deadly ingredients delivered in the first two stages. Get Get your funds out of paper and into something solid like gold, silver or copper. Store food; enough for at least three months and possibly several years. Store water and things like toilet paper, medicines and warm clothing. Get to know your neighbors and form cooperative groups now. If you are prepared, what "they" have planned will not have the effect they are hoping for. Don't give in to Fear (which is pumped at us via every branch of the media) and don't go back to sleep. This is the time for Good people to stand up against Evil.

©2011 Dr.Valerie Olmsted All Rights Reserved

Big Brother Is Watching YOU!

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