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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Get Your Balls Back Brother

Stand up for yourself brother before you become a doormat and another casualty. Life is not found in women, neither should you allow them to steal it from you. Get your balls back and regain your manhood!

I lived through some very painful situations with women in my life, which caused me to decide never to be swayed by others. True happiness is an inside job that must be daily cultivated from within. Your happiness is not dependent on other people.


That being said, it must be admitted that others unhappiness and bad attitude around us can adversely effect us. As a child I grew up with my grandparents, my grandma being the grumpy one. I watched her nag the life out of my grandpa and often rob his joy. Then when I went to live with my dad and step-mom, I noticed her wants become the focal point.

Discontentment and complaining reigned supreme with these two women and the men who were married to them were left trying to sort themselves out. Thankfully both my grandfather and dad were happy-go-lucky kind of guys who could endure a lot. Nevertheless they knew how to put their foot down and say enough is enough. They had their breaking point and tolerance level, which once passed made their blood boil.

I watched both men stand up for themselves and tell their woman the facts of life. Had they not done so, their wife would have driven them absolutely crazy. Don't let your wife drive you mad. Stand up for yourself. Determine the disposition of your home. Govern your emotions and make a conscious decision to be glad.

When my ex-wife cheated on me and continued to play the fool thereafter, I tried the sweet approach and got nowhere. She told me one day, "Stop being a wuss." When I heard that I furious and got the eye of the tiger. Within days I was filing my divorce papers and discarding my liability.

The next young lady I got involved with was a bit of a whiner and emotional manipulater. I got engaged to her, but had the sense to pull out early on lest she drive me up a wall the rest of my life. Today, two years later, I'm married to a lovely Canadian who is equally head strong.

We have our spats and conflict, but I always manage to stand up for myself. When my wife Karla begins to excessively complain I boldly tell her, "If you don't like it, be part of the solution rather than part of the problem." When Karla starts to murmur about me, our finances, marriage, etc. I simply say: "If you're not happy, nobody is requiring you to stay. You can love me, or leave me."

I've come a long way brothers. I know how to be happy by me, myself, and I. I've cut the female's umbilical chord and am a happy man. Though I still hear the whining, murmuring, and complaining; I don't have to be controlled and dictated by it.

You stand up for yourself and do the same! Set your perimeters and standards. Don't compromise and sell out to any woman no matter how beautiful she is. A beautiful woman can become ugly real quick when she's complaining, whining, and murmuring.

Groaning and moaning in the bedroom is alright, but not throughout your day to day life.

Get a backbone and get your balls back lest your woman emasculate you forever.

Get Your Balls Back Brother

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